wizyty studyjne

As part of the "European Union Values for a Bright Tomorrow" project in Rewa (10-17/04/2024), we also had the opportunity to take part in the European Youth Week in Gdańsk, which took place on April 15, 2024.
The event took place at InnHUB operating at the @biblioteka_ug of the University of Gdańsk, where, together with people from Italy, Romania, Lithuania, Poland, Belarus, Ukraine and Turkey, we had the great pleasure of talking about democracy.

The topic of our Training Course, which took place in Rewa, perfectly fit the values of the European Union. We talked about democracy, its essence and the challenges it poses to young people. The main element of the meeting in Gdańsk was playing the game "Cake for democracy - Recipe for democracy". This experience was about creating our own country and democracy and allowed us to better understand how important it is to build democratic structures and values in society.

Thanks to an event such as #EuropeanYouthWeek, young people have the opportunity to better learn about the ideas on which the European Union is based.

It was not only an opportunity for discussion, but also for integration between young people from different countries, which leads to building bonds and common development.

We are grateful for the opportunity to participate in this unique event and for the opportunity that European Youth Week gives us to explore and promote democratic values together.