The main objective of the project is to promote ecological lifestyle, not only among participants but also among the local community.
The idea of organizing a youth exchange was initiated by a group of young people who are passionate about ecological lifestyle and " green" energy and cooperate with the applicant.
The project was prepared by the originators in collaboration with the partner organizations PROJUVEN and LINK.
The participants of the project was a group of 42 people at the age of 17-25 and 3 leaders coming from three European countries ( Polish, Italy and Spain). The potential participants were people who are interested in the topics connected with ecology and renewable energy sources.
The project involved the organization of seven-day series of lectures in non-formal education, unconsecrated widely – understood as ecology and renewable energy. Classes were held in the Sports , Recreation and Tourism Centre in Luzino , wejherowski district.
Specific objectives of the project included:
- the raise of the environmental awareness of the project participants
- promoting the knowledge acquisition and use of the energy from renewable sources
- development of the proper social attitudes towards natural resources
- rising the awareness of the need to save natural resources
- raising the awareness about the benefits of using " green" energy
- developing the ability to work in team
- intercultural education
- rising the key competences
The programme of the project included the following topics:
- Ecology in everyday life
- Pro-ecological lifestyle
- Renewable energy sources - the acquisition and the use of " green" energy
- The conscious use of the nature ;
- The promotion of environmentally friendly behavior among their peers and the community
The above mentioned objectives were achieved by introducing some planned methods of work such as: simulation games , activation , integrating , workshops, panel discussions , brainstorming sessions , presentations, work in the field, working with the local community , films , working in the mixed groups.
By the active participation in the project, the participants had a chance to raise their awareness concerning the benefits of environmentally conscious lifestyle by using "green energy". The project was spur the youth to take some actions so as to popularize ecology activities and the use of renewable energy in their local communities and countries.
In addition, the participants developed their interpersonal skills, enhance self-esteem, stimulate creativity and were more open towards other people and their cultures.