The main objective of the project is to: strengthen the powers of initiative and creativity of young people in the use of new media by applying the method of Design Thinking in creating an innovative promotion of the region.

Youth exchange took place in Puck, September 2017. The official  language of communication was English. The group of participants consisted of 40 people from Polad, Spain, Lithuania and Italy at the age of 17-25 and 4 leaders. All participants were actively working for the local community and for the activation of people with fewer opportunities including people with disabilities.

Specific objectives of the project included:

- Developing problem-solving skills by using the method Designe Thinking and the development of creativity

- Getting to know the typical methods of tourist promotion of the region and examing their effectiveness among young people, including youths with disabilities

- Shaping the empathetic attitude towards disfavoured youths. including people with diasbilities and minimizing social exclusion

- Getting to know the cultural and historical values of the village Puck and its neighborhood

- Deepening the ability to turn ideas into action by creating prototypes of innovative methods in regional promotion, testing and assessment of its strengths and weaknesses

- Development of project management skills

- Deepening teamwork skills in an international environment

- Learning cultures of the countries participating in the exchange

- Overcoming cultural and language barriers

- Dialogue and cooperation with the local community


The main activity in the project was the seven-day youth exchange, which was based on the method of Desing Thinking while working on innovative methods of promotion the region.

Through participation in the project the problem-solving skills will increase among the participants using thw method Design Thinking and their creativity and initiative will be stimulated.

The report can be found here: images/