The project was created by joint efort of young people from Poland, Italy, Germany, Bulgaria and Romania. Youth form partner's organisations are interested in issues related to human rights, international dialogue and humanitarian aid. They are involved in the life of the local community and observe changes in society, in the perception of migrants, refugees and the migration crisis. Participants in the youth exchange wanted to systematize and deepen their knowledge about the migration crisis in
Europe and wanted to sensitize young people to the needs and problems of people coming from outside the European Union.

The participants of the project was a group of 33 young people and 5 leaders from Poland, Italy, Germany, Bulgaria and Romania. As young Europeans, they wanted to consciously cocreate the future of the Region. Young people were also interested in the problem of respecting human rights in the context of refugees and the problem of increasing discrimination against refugees and imigrants.

The main objective of the project was to make people aware of the migration crisis in the EU and to sensitize young people to the problems of refugees and immigrants.
Specific objectives:
- getting to know the problem of discrimination. and the stereotype. thinking;
- broadening the general knowledge of legislation in the discussed topic;
- learning the causes of migration from the East and from Africa;
- strengthening the tolerance attitude among participants;
- changing the negative attitude towards migrants and refugees in the community;
- breaking barriers in transnational communication;
- preventing social exclusion;
- strengthening intercultural dialogue, contributing to building a network of contacts between the organisations;
- using the acquired knowledge to promote anti-discrimination attitudes in the community.

Main results of the project were: qiuz on the subject of migration and refugees (not only checking knowledge but also giving a broader explanation to every issue) and anti-discrimination brochures. Furthermore, the result was also increased awareness and sensitivity to the problems of contemporary migrants and refugees, among both the participants and their peers who are recipients of dissemination activities.

You can test your knowledge about migration and refugees crisis in Europe:

Anti-discrimination brochures created by participants during youth exchange:


Human Rights Poster

Destroy discrimination

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