Institute of Regional Cooperation has realized next training which took place on 05-09.10.2020 in Puck. The topic of the workshop was “Methods and ways to work against hate speech and fake news”. The participants of training were representatives and employees of the informal education sector who wanted to improve their qualifications and get new tools for working with young people. The project was realized under the Education Program, aimed at reducing economic and social differences within the European Economic Area and strengthening bilateral relations between Poland, Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway in the field of education.


As part of the training, workshops were carried out with 40 people working with children and youth, raised their abilities in dealing with populist content, hate, hate speech, and fake news. The training was conducted by trainers from Poland with the support of trainers from Norway.


Thanks to the training, participants:

  • Learned how to support and educate children and youth in the field of recognizing fake news and hate speech on the Internet;
  • Learned about the tools and methods of working with youth in the field of online safety;
  • Learned the rules of applying for funds for project under the Erasmus+ program;
  • Developed 10 scenarios of workshop activities aimed at young people concerning their protection against hate, radicalism, populism, hate speech, fake news on the Internet.


The Project “Methods and ways to work against hate speech and fake news – training for representatives and employees of the non-formal education sector” is supported by EUR 24071 received from Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway as a part of the EEA funds.

The aim of the project “Methods and ways to work against hate speech and fake news – training for representatives and employees of the non-formal education sector” is to equip youth workers with tools and competences supporting their work with children and youth in the field of recognizing and reading populist and radical content and preventing hate, hate speech, fake news, deep fake and dealing with filter bubble situations.


The project was also co-financed from the state budget in the amount of EUR 4247.