The "How to be a group leader" project took place on December 5-12, 2023 in Rewa and was addressed to people working with youth.
The project involved:
1. Fundacja Instytut Współpracy Regionalnej- Poland
2. Armavir Development Center - Armenia
3. Udruga srednjoškolaca Hrvatske (USRED) - Croatia
4. International Center for Peace and Integration - ICPI - Georgia
5. Embaixada da Juventude - Portugal
6. 100% Playground - Romania
In their final presentations on the question ,,What are typical problems in working with youth" , the participants included ways to solve them, using the problem-solving methods presented earlier, by the facilitator.
The presentations were then translated into the national languages of the organizations sending the participants: Georgian, Armenian, Croatian, Portuguese, Romanian and Polish, as well as English, which is accessible to all interested.
We would like to thank all involved participants for their active participation in the project. As leaders, your journey begins now and we look forward to the positive impact you will undoubtedly bring to the target groups you lead!
Have fun using the materials!