The project "European Union Values for a Bright Tomorrow" took place from April 10th to 17th, 2024, in Rewa and was aimed at individuals working with youth.

The following organizations participated in the project:

  1. Regional Cooperation Institute Foundation - Poland
  2. Eco Challenge - Romania
  3. Tavo Europa - Lithuania
  4. DAISY Digital Active Innovative Social Youth - Turkey
  5. Italian Training Research Foundation - Italy

This event provided an opportunity for participants to deepen their knowledge of the values ​​that the European Union embodies. During the training, participants had the opportunity to delve into various aspects that define and shape European identity. Through workshops, discussions, and interactive sessions, participants developed their skills in working with youth, while also aiming to encourage them to understand and appreciate the fundamental values ​​on which the EU is based.

As part of this project, participants also had the opportunity to take part in the European Youth Week! The event took place at InnHUB, operating within the Library of the University of Gdańsk, where individuals from Italy, Romania, Lithuania, Poland, Belarus, Ukraine, and Turkey had the extraordinary pleasure of discussing democracy. The main element of the day was playing the game "Cake for Democracy - Recipe for Democracy." This experience involved creating their own state and democracy, allowing participants to better understand the importance of building democratic structures and values ​​in society. Thanks to events like European Youth Week, young people have the opportunity to better understand the ideas on which the European Union is based.

This is not only an opportunity for discussion but also for integration among young people from different countries, leading to building bonds and mutual development. We are grateful for the opportunity to participate in this exceptional event and for the chance that European Youth Week gives us to jointly explore and promote democratic values.

We also thank all participants and organizations for participating in our accredited project. SEE YOU SOON!


As part of the "European Union Values for a bright tomorrow" project, the following project final products were developed:

European Union Values - participants's presentations

